Thursday, February 27, 2014

Big Movement to Promote Local

There is a big movement to bring tourism and life into our area, to stimulate business for and promote local businesses.  I'm very excited!  Today I'm meeting with Karen Schaaf, Sylvia Maley, and Alison Knieriem (and I think more, Karen's going to have her Suburban full) at the Chamber of Commerce in Troutdale to head into Portland for the Travel Oregon Agri-Tourism informational meeting.  We will be putting together a map of this area and discussing the development of Bed and Breakfasts to provide a quiet stay for visitors.  This is just the beginning, very exciting. 

Then we'll all ride together into Hood River for the Columbia Gorge Arts and Culture Alliance.  Again this is more about giving the tourists a map of the area, supports artists and again local.  Karen Schaaf told me about this, because she would like for me to be able to help to bring the Native American element to the art and culture scene in the gorge.  What an honor.  I'm from the Klamath/Modoc tribe of southern Oregon and Northern California, and extremely proud of my heritage.  I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of this art and culture group, thank you Karen. 

Links for Local
Travel Oregon | From Mt Hood to the Oregon Coast, Explore Oregon
West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce
Leaning Star Winery offers small batches of handcrafted wines.  Our winery is located on the outskirts of Gresham, Oregon, a short jaunt to the freeways in all directions. Learn more about Leaning Star Winery or send us an email and contact us.

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